Monday, April 15, 2013

The MTN Diaries 2 – Hardcore 2013

Spanish Graffiti Database

The Spanish police is in the process of making a national graffiti database. They are using a new  type of software to track the names and pictures of graffiti writers at a national level and not just a city level like it's done now. They feel the need to do this because of the amount of traveling writers do around Spain and why writers that have been caught in their hometown city tend to go to other cities to do graffiti. The software is intended to be used by local police and national police.
News link (Spanish)


Nuevo articulo sobre la elaboración de software para combatir el graffiti en España. Se plantean la colaboración entre policía local, nacional y civil en identificación de tags a un nivel nacional y no solo local como se hace hasta ahora.

Articulo aqui

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Las Huellas De Los Graffitis

En Alicante se están dando unos cursillos de identificación de graffiti para la policía local. Según el experto este, se puede ayudar a identificar a un autor por la altura de sus graffitis... que un escritor pinta a la altura de su barbilla... pues eso para los altos y los bajitos cudadin cudadin...

Articulo noticia aqui


A new course is being given to the local police of Alicante (Spain) on identifing graffiti writers. One of the clues they can use is the height of where a tag is done. Writers usually write their name at about the height of their chin... They can even tell the kind of physique he/she can be in.

Alicante is a small city but 183 writers have been cought in the last 4 years.

News link (spanish)