Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Barcelona Ya No Mola

Nuevo plan para eliminar el graffiti en sitios privados, como persianas (cierres) de comercios y la Rambla en general. El plan que no convence a nadie se quiere estrenar en Ciutat Vella y luego extenderlo a otros barrios.

A new plan has been started by Barcelona's town hall and Ciu party to eradicate graffiti from public places, specially from businesses. basically what they want to do is buff all the gates and clean up the Ramblas, guaranteeing a rebuff if graffiti hits a store again. They want to start with the downtown (Cuitat Vella) and extend it to other areas.

Si tienes mas articulos/recortes de prensa sobre el nuevo plan de limpieza, los puedes escanear y mandar a Gracias


Anonymous said... ahi tienes

ToXiK 'zine said...

gracias nen